Artist Sponsor: $1000
While Sponsorships are Available
Logo/name included on website, social media, emails, and in printed program
Live acknowledgment as Artist Sponsor before and after artist’s performance
Free half-page black and white ad in the program book
2 Invitations to reception with Festival Artists
Stage Sponsor: $5000
While Sponsorships are Available
Signage placement at your selected venue/stage
Logo included in all marketing materials (including website, social media, emails, and program cover)
Opportunity to distribute collateral material at your sponsored venue
Live acknowledgment as Venue Sponsor from select performances at your sponsored venue
Free full-page black and white ad in the program book
5 VIP passes to the Festival
10 Invitations to reception with Festival Artists
Event Sponsor: $10,000
While Sponsorships are Available
Signage placement at all Festival stages
Medium size Name and Logo included in all marketing materials (including website, social media, emails, and program cover)
Opportunity to distribute collateral material
Live acknowledgment as Festival Sponsor from select performances at all concert stages
Color full page ad in the program (5” x 8” vertical)
10 VIP passes to the Festival
20 Invitations to reception with Festival Artists
Lead Sponsor: $50,000
While Sponsorships are Available
Premium signage placement at all Festival stages
Named as Lead Presenter
Large Size Name and logo in premium position for all marketing materials (including website, social media, emails, and program cover)
Opportunity to distribute collateral material and run the marketing campaign of your choice
Live acknowledgment as Lead Sponsor from select performances at all concert stages
Color full page ad on the back cover of the program (5” x 8” vertical)
20 VIP passes to the Festival
50 Invitations to reception with Festival Artists