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Camping & Trails
Non Event
30 Amp Monthly Camping Pass $300
(Not including Events)
30 Amp Daily Camping Pass $30
(includes electricity and water connections)
50 Amp Monthly Camping Pass $450
(Not including Events)
50 Amp Daily Camping Pass $50
(includes electricity and water connections)
30 Amp Season Camping Pass $1200
(includes electricity and water connections)
(April - October Does Not Include Event Pass)
Poppy Mtn Trails Monthly Pass $35
(ATV, Side-by-Sides, Motorcycles, etc.)
(Per Additional Vehicle if No Camping Pass)
50 Amp Season Camping Pass $3000
(includes electricity and water connections)
(April - October Does Not Include Event Pass)
Additional Vehicle Daily Pass $10
(ATV, Side-by-Sides, Motorcycles, etc.)
(Per Additional Vehicle if No Camping Pass)
Electricity and Water Connections free while they last.
Any ATV and or Offroad Vehicle requires a signed waiver to go on trails.
All vehicles are required to follow speed limits.
All camping areas 5 mph. If not followed you will be asked to leave.
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